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Follow Your Heart Wellness

Mark&Janis Soparlo

Mark & Janis are honored to serve you on your wellness journey.


Their spiritual journey has inspired them to combine their gifts to bring love and light to your wellness needs. They bring many years of experience and study to facilitate your healing process.


Janis is a natural medium psychic and uses her spirit communication abilities to aid clients in many aspects of their lives and to communicate with those in the soul world. 


Mark is a natural artist who uses his communication abilities to create artwork inflow. Through special teachings, guidance and blessings from their Spiritual Teachers both Mark and Janis have received healing and communication abilities to serve humanity.


Together they have developed mediumship skills in England, studied the healing arts of Qi Gong, Tai-Chi, meditation and received Soul Communication abilities and Soul Healing abilities from their Spiritual Teacher. Both are certified Tao Hands Practitioners and Mark is a certified Master Teacher and Tao Chang Practitioner from the Tao Academy™.


Mark & Janis are deeply inspired by the natural area of Deer Lake in Burnaby, British Columbia where they live. Their intention is to help you to achieve oneness, to explore your spiritual journey and to embark on the path of wellness.


"Heal and transform the Soul first then

healing and transformation of the Mind

and Body will follow" 


               -  Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha


Together they offer Transformation sessions for you and your pets to help you heal, Soul Communication guidance, Spirit Art and Sacred Space design to enhance your home or workplace. Welcome to join the Wellness Session to experience the Tao Chang Field, in person & live webcast (info under events).


Mark & Janis look forward to assisting you on your wellness journey.


Follow Your Heart Wellness Ltd. since 2019

Tao Calligraphy Field Room Licensee since 2022

​© Tao Calligraphy is a registered mark of Universal Soul Services and Heaven's Library Publishing Corp.

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